Reflecting on Selecting Tulip Photos

While reviewing ninety recent iPhone photos of tulips, I questioned whether I could limit myself to posting only seven (my usual self-imposed limit). Yet as I narrowed down and edited I began to doubt if any of my photos were doing justice to the truly real appealing tulips everywhere I walked this week. Anyway here are photos that at least allude to what tulips have been offering in my neighborhood as April ends and May begins.

Winter Views of Indoor Blooms, Remembered and Recorded

Selecting from seventy or so photos of plants inside my home from recent years, I tried to pare down to seven for this post. So I grasped for goals to guide me. The pandemic here and now in January of 2022 has made me go for photos that show the living space where few people are free to visit.

Why, When, How

I signed up for this slot last year when it showed as a fleeting bonus to my basic blog, Art Outdoors, on WordPress. It promised a solution to my urges to post pictures of plants that did not fit within my own constraints on what to include as art, which ruled out “the art that nature makes” no matter how amazing. Just knowing that the spot awaited was reassurance enough until this November, as the last leaves fell and faded while the prospect of renewed pandemic restrictions rose.